Room |
Area |
Multipurpose hall with seating capacity of two hundred and a dias with total are of 2000sq. ft( Two thousand square feet) |
2000 sq. ft. |
Library-cum-resource Center |
2340 sq. ft. |
ICT Resource Center with at least 10 computers with internet facility |
500 Sq. ft. |
Curriculum Resource Centre ( with science and maths kits, maps, globes, chemicals, science kits etc) |
1000 Sq. ft. |
Arts and Work Experience / Resource centre(s) |
440 Sq. ft. |
Educational Toys Room |
500 Sq. ft. |
Health and physical education room |
440 Sq. ft. |
Principal’s Office |
273.87 Sq. ft. |
Staff Room |
150Sq. ft. |
Administrative Office |
375 Sq. ft. |
Common Room ( Separately for men and women student teachers) |
500 Sq. ft. |
Canteen |
1450 Sq. ft. |
Store Room( Two) |
200 Sq. Ft. |
Separate Toilet facility for men and women student-teacher and staff out of which one should be for PWD |
500 Sq. ft. |
Visitor Room |
200 Sq. ft. |
Seminar room |
500 Sq. ft. |
Instrumental music room with mirrors |
500 Sq. ft. |
Vocal music room with mirrors |
500 Sq. ft. |
Performing arts resource centre with mirrors |
500 Sq. ft. |
Dance room with mirror |
500 Sq. ft. |
Total built up area |
5100 sq. ft. |