Training and Placement Cell
Training & Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell Placement Cell

The Training and Placement Cell of this college provides guidance and all the assistance for the students in order to achieve their career goals. This cell organizes technical talks and national seminars to provide a platform for the budding professionals to interact with the senior and experience professionals from various industries. It encourages visits to the industries by the college students. Adequate emphasis is given for soft skill development complementing the regular academic programs. Aptitude Tests and Group Discussions are conducted at regular intervals to enable the students to improve their performance in competitive exams. Various workshops are organized for exchange of information and creating awareness among our students and faculty about the emerging tech and business trends. The Placement Cell operates round the year to facilitate contacts between companies and graduates.


A number of top recruiters look for the fresher degree holders for offering opportunity of work with. BCA is one of the demanding courses under the IT sector. Here, we have listed the prestigious companies that recruits BCA /MCA Students